12 Laundry Mistakes you are probably making

12 Laundry Mistakes you are probably making

When it comes to doing the laundry, you probably already know to separate the darks from the lights, and you figure there isn’t much more to it. But while it’s true that doing laundry isn’t rocket science, it does have quite a few rights and wrongs. Here are 12 surprisingly common mistakes that can damage your clothes or leave them less than fresh.

Click on the link below to see Bob Vilas GREAT tips on Laundry!


overloaded washing machine

This is Frigidaire? Get a Professional Look on a budget!

Frigidaire professional cooking

New… Frigidaire Professional!


For those who love the look of Professional Kitchen Appliances but know it would break your budget, well look no further!  Frigidaire Professional® unveiled its latest suite of appliances and you might be impressed with what you see!

The updated collection focuses on what many consumers are looking for: symmetrical lines, heavy-duty knobs and handles, easy-to-use straightforward control panels and appliances inspired by restaurant-style kitchens resulting in quality tasting mFrigidaire Professional eals from professional, yet affordable appliances.  The complete new suite includes seven appliances and are compatible with standard-sized appliances so they fit into existing kitchens, eliminating the need to completely renovate the kitchen.

If your in DFW, stop by to see the new Frigidaire Professional on display at Capital Distributing.